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Managed IT Services for Municipalities and Local Governments.

There are many moving parts to a functioning local government body. Every single employee and department contributes in some way to the overall function of one of these entities. One such department that many local governing bodies are beginning to quickly realize the importance of is their IT department. Cyber-attacks are on the rise and in 2020 40 percent of global ransomware attacks were targeted at municipal governments, with that number expected to rise drastically.

Well maintained and managed IT infrastructure can help lower overall costs, as well as increase cyber-security postures and prevent unnecessary spending related to cyber-security incidents. On the other hand, the lack of an organized and trained IT department can leave a government body target to hackers and phishers. As technology becomes more and more prevalent in the workplace and government agencies become more digitally connected these attacks will become more frequent and more sophisticated.

Southern Technology Partners LLC specializes in helping local municipalities curtail these risks while analyzing every aspect of their IT infrastructure, telecommunications, business processes, and employee training to uncover ways to secure municipalities while saving them money and time.

We take a very personal approach to securing municipal governments IT infrastructure by offering regular employee cyber-security trainings, running mock phishing campaigns, offering regular penetration testing and cyber-security assessments, and managing all antivirus, updates, and other cyber-security related responsibilities. By partnering with Southern Technology Partners LLC your municipality gains access to a team of IT and cyber-security professionals for less than the cost of hiring a single full-time IT employee. We also work with any internal IT professionals you currently have on staff to augment your workforce at a fraction of the cost of hiring additional help.

Give Southern Technology Partners LLC a call today to see how we could help secure your local municipality and potentially save you tens of thousands of dollars a year at the same time. 912-209-4804.

- Casey Williams, Managing Partner

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